The Ruach Daily

The Ruach Daily

Daily devotional to strengthen you in your walk with God.

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  • The Neighbors
    What makes a good neighbor? What makes a good neighbor are people who seek to be neighborly.  It takes nothing to speak to care and be respectful.   A good neighbor, in my opinion, is one that looks to be kind to you.
  • Living Beyond Happiness
    One of the most freeing realizations in life is understanding that life is not defined by fleeting happiness but by the enduring joy found in Jesus. Happiness, while a commonly sought-after feeling, is often misunderstood. It is based on circumstances—changeable and unstable, like shifting sand. If we examine happiness closely, we…
  • Finding Your True Worth in Christ
    When the enemy tries to make us feel worthless, it’s easy to fall into doubt. In those moments, we need to look to the cross and see how much we are truly valued. The cross is the ultimate symbol of our worth, where Jesus gave His life to redeem ours. Philippians…
  • Make the Most of  Your Giving
    If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to? If I had a million dollars to give away, it would go to multiple programs, organizations, and schools.  I would make the most of my giving in order to make a positive impact.
  • The Power of Love Over Works
    It is truly remarkable how God places love above all else, even over the great works we might do. We could be the most dedicated Deacons, Pastors, Singers, or Servers in our church, but without love, everything we accomplish amounts to nothing in the eyes of God. Think about that for…
  • Walking The Tightrope Of Faith
    Have you ever watched a tightrope walker at the circus, amazed by their courage as they trust a thin cable to hold them steady? One misstep could lead to disaster, yet they continue, trusting in their preparation and in that seemingly fragile rope. In many ways, our walk of faith mirrors…
  • Growing Deep Roots
    Growing Deep Spiritual Roots In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to focus on surface-level concerns and neglect the deeper parts of our being. Yet, just as a tree’s strength lies in its unseen roots, our spiritual strength lies in the depth of our relationship with God. This relationship, when nurtured, forms…
  • EN Passant The Grandmaster’s Gambit
    Detective Raymond Kane was known for his unconventional methods, but none were as peculiar as his penchant for chess. A former chess prodigy, Kane had left the competitive circuit for a life of law enforcement, finding that the game’s strategies offered a unique lens through which to view crime. His colleagues…
  • The Candle Stick Maker
    What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? I am one that burns the candle at both ends.  Generally, I am in bed by midnight and get up at about 5 am.  Currently,  I am trying to do better because this behavior can be bad on my health. 
  • Your Mind Matters
    Mental health is important not only to the person struggling, but also to those who watch us in the struggle. Our mind matters. I know that this may sound cliché, but truly it does matter what we allow to consume and overtake or minds. In the Bible, there are countless places…
  • Empowering Mindset: Unveiling Limitless Potential Through Faith
    Life is A Vapor You only live once. There was a popular book entitled “Live Your Best Life Now.”  This popular pastor encouraged people to live life as if it were their last day on the earth.  His premise was that since you are a child of God, he has given…
  • Yes I Vote The Issues I Care About
    Do you vote in political elections? I have gotten away from Parties such as Democrat and Republicans and just voted for the issues.   Neither party, in my opinion, encapsulates all of my views.  However, as a citizen, I think you should exercise your right to vote.   For example democracy is on…
  • The State Of Our World
    What makes you nervous? There is so much division in our country and the world, and what makes me nervous is the lack of compromise.   Roman fell because of corruption and the lack of compromise. 
  • I Like to Create Media
    How do you unwind after a demanding day? I like to hang with family and create by doing podcast episodes and voiceovers. 
  • Teambuilding Can Make You A Winner
    Strategy Makes A Big Difference It was the biggest match in history. The stadium was filled with hungry fans wanting to see a repeat from their tag team champions. One half of the tag duo was knocked out by a chair strike acrossed the back. The other half of the tag…
  • Check Out My Voice Work
  • Make Room For You
    As one who works in the media, voiceover,  and podcast space as well as corporate America, you come to realize that all work is not rewarding.   I think that this can become a problem with those of us who get up and out to work every day.    In my opinion, we…
  • There Is Purpose In Your Pain
    Pain and defeat is interesting sometimes because it has the propensity to propel us into our destiny. Some of the greatest moments in history came to be not because of the greatest of some person but the courage and understanding to accept the assignment. You may be coming through your season…
  • Watch Your Mouth
    The mouth can speak healing, it can speak hurt.  The mouth can speak truth or lies. We should always pray to the Lord for wisdom and ask Him to give us the courage, compassion and will to speak truth and words of life. The mouth not governed properly can destroy a…
  • New Podcast Episodes
  • Your Tears Are Not Wasted
    God has not forgotten nor abandoned you.  Pain is apart of the process. Though you may be innocent sometimes pain finds it’s way to you. Life is filled with challenges,  hardships and trials but that doesn’t mean that God is not real or that he doesn’t care. When we experience hardship,…
  • Be The Blessing
    I can remember the phenomenon surrounding the prayer Jabez. Donald Lawrence (gospel artist) made a song about it and the Church was praying the prayer of Jabez.  I recently came across this prayer one day in my prayer time and found comfort in the things of old. Jabez asked God to…
  • Choose Wisely
    Write the vision and make it plain.  What we choose will ultimately effect what we do. Position yourself to win. Judah found themselves going up against really tough enemies. The people of Moab with the people of Ammon, and others with them besides the Ammonia came to battle against Jehoshaphat. The…
  • What’s Next?
    Does this new social justice movement usher in a new normal?  Does it usher in an equal playing ground for Black women in this country? Black women have always been the bedrock of the African American community as well as the Democratic party. When Black fathers were absent it has always…
  • What I learned about Sin?
    May 6, 2020 Nehemiah Zion If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. (Genesis 4:7) What can we learn about Sin from this verse alone? Firstly, his desire’ reveals that sin is a person.…
  • Don’t let people live in your space rent free.
    Too many people settle for halfhearted commitments. Lives are ruined because we allow ourselves to be used and not respected.
  • Lets Get Back To Being The Church
    Sitting here at my desk scrolling through the blog reader I’ve come across some interesting headlines.  Some of the headlines where positive and others where not so positive.   However, the conclusion I have drawn while reading these headlines are that the church and the outside world is in trouble. The Church…
  • A Sure Investment
    Spending time with God is so worthwhile. Oftentimes we wonder why we are not growing and flourishing in our lives. We can in some instances trace it back to our relationship or lack thereof with God. The Bible said that Samuel grew in the Lord. In other words his investment paid…